The following is a brief overview of the information detailed on the ReMap Leadership Networking Report. Each measurement label is accompanied by a short description of how it might manifest itself in a Leader.

n.b. This is not intended to provide an exhaustive explanation of all the information contained within the report

Networking Brake: Hesitation to initiate contact in a variety of situations. This could translate into job-related emotional distress, and an insufficient number of business contacts to sustain personal or career objectives (the lower the better).

Networking Accelerator: Total amount of energy currently being used to support meeting people; overall level of comfort with initiating contact with others (the higher the better).

Leadership Networking Diagnostic Profile

If an individual scores highly in these areas, then the description is appropriate; low scores will prove to be the opposite.

Social Initiative: Comfort levels associated with initiating contact with others in a variety of social situations. Not overly-concerned with avoiding worst case scenarios and rarely hesitates to take social risks=

Spontaneous Networking: Likely to spontaneously engage in networking activities. Not overly concerned with planning, preparing, and information gathering prior to initiating contact with key people. Low scores may be characterized by a more “reserved” and “educational” rather than spontaneous social style (the moderately higher the better).

Unpretentious Networking: Unassuming nature does not place undo importance on image and prestige. Not likely to become easily offended or humiliated by issues related to professionalism and/or credibility

Public Speaking Initiative: Comfort levels related to making speeches and group presentations. Low scores are characterized by habitual avoidance of public speaking or other group activities, may have difficulty speaking up in meetings; face to face contact may be completely unimpaired

Role Initiative: Comfort levels associated with the role of networking; low scorers tend to downplay the importance of networking

Assertive Networking: Pro-active when making new business contacts. Not overly concerned about intruding or “bothering” people, especially superiors; low scorers may be characterized by a tendency to dilute assertive behavior with a passive or compliant social style

Status Networking: Comfort levels when networking and meeting wealthy, highly educated, powerful, or prestigious individuals. Low scorers may be characterized by feelings of intimidation when in the presence of wealthy, educated, powerful, or prestigious people

Friends/Family Networking: Comfort levels when networking with friends and family members. Not overly concerned that relationships might be jeopardized

Referral Networking: Comfort level when asking current contacts to facilitate introductions and meetings with key people; not overly concerned with jeopardizing current relationships

Tele-Contact Networking: Comfort using the telephone as a tool for meeting or contacting others; discomfort may be characterized by over-reliance on alternative methods of contact (including personal meetings, letters or email), when using the telephone would be as or more effective

Disputing: Energy over-invested in reflexively arguing, blaming, criticizing and finding fault with others; characterized by fear of losing control in social networking situations

Leadership Networking Initiatives

External Networking Initiative: Self-reported networking activities outside of the company he or she works for

Inter-Departmental Networking Initiative: Self-reported networking activities across different departments or business units

Corporate Visibility: Self-reported networking activities to promote the organization, its products and services

Corporate Intelligence: Self-reported networking activities to be “in-the-know” about important happenings within an organization

Resource Advice-Giver: Self-reported networking activities to serve as resource/advice-giver to others

Liaison: Self-reported networking activities to serve as bridge/liaison between business units and departments (the higher the better).

Networking Intensity: Recent level of activity reported to build business contacts and relationships

Leadership Networking Readiness Profile

Goal Focus: The general feeling that networking efforts are important, desirable, and worthwhile; the strength and specificity of goals related to one’s career (the higher the better).

Motivational Initiative: The level of energy available to initiate actions related to networking activities (the higher the better).

Motivational Endurance: The level of intensity and tenacity an individual brings to networking situations (the higher the better).

Goal Diffusion: The extent to which energy that might be available for career/ networking purposes is instead scattered across multiple objectives, all demanding time and attention (the lower the better).

Attitude Towards The Questionnaire

Impression Management: The amount of energy expended on controlling the image presented in test results: high scores may indicate a tendency to embellish or exaggerate in order to leave a positive impression on others (generally, the lower to average, the better).

Hedging: The amount of energy expended on answering the questionnaire in a ‘safe’ manner rather than more extreme responses (the lower the better).

Maintaining Attention: Measures the level of consistency of answers throughout the questionnaire (the higher the better).

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